Plan Review
A Health Department plan review is required prior to the construction and operation of any new or remodeled establishment.
A Health Department plan review shall be performed, and approval granted prior to the construction and operation of any new or remodeled establishment that North Carolina General Statutes mandate. Examples of these include, but are not limited to the following: food service establishments, hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, local confinement facilities, lodging places including bed and breakfast homes and inns, schools, child day cares, public swimming pools, etc.
Submit your plans to:
Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement
2145 Suttle Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28208
Specific questions or additional information on plan submittal guidelines should be directed to a Commercial Technical Assistance Center 980-314-CODE (2633).
Food Establishments
Buying an existing facility? Permits do not transfer at the sale of the business. You may be eligible for a transitional permit; however, staff will have to evaluate each situation. Please call (980) 314-1620.
Plans for franchised or chain food establishments are reviewed by NCDHHS Plan Review Unit.
Food Service Establishment Plan Review Application (For use when constructing, renovating, converting, or remodeling a food service establishment.)
Limited Food Service Application (For use at park or school concessions stands, and at lodging establishments that offer a limited menu.)
Application for Permit (Food Service) (For use when a food service establishment is ready to open or when a restaurant with a valid permit has been sold/transferred. Permits do not transfer between ownerships. Must be submitted at least 30 days prior to opening or changing ownership.)
Food Establishment Shared Use Space
A Primary Permit Application applies to the primary operator of the shared-use kitchen obtaining the initial permit and is the facility and operations management entity for the entire shared kitchen. The Secondary Permit Application applies when an operator is seeking approval to use the Shared Kitchen for their own food service operation, catering, or delivery.
Child Care Centers and Schools
(Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Adult Day Care, and Others)
Buying an Existing Facility? Permits do not transfer at the sale of the business. You may be eligible for a transitional permit; however, staff will have to evaluate each situation. Please call (980) 314-1620.
Mobile Food Units and Pushcarts
Residential Care Facilities
Swimming Pools
Provide: MCHD Swimming Pool Plan Review Application, aerial and cross-sectional diagram of swimming pool, deck/ gate/ & fence diagrams including material composition details, step & ladder designs, complete piping information including skimmers/ main drains/ sump pit/ pump/& chemical room diagrams, pump & chemical room equipment details, deck & pool lighting details, depth markers, bather load/ surface area/ design flow rate & volume, bather shower + restroom facilities, etc.